Treatment Process

A step-by-step guide to the pre-admission process through the end of treatment.

Treatment Overview

Initial Contact

Once you have filled out the contact form, you can expect a response from a clinician on our team within 24 hours or the next business day. While we do not offer emergency psychiatric care, our website does have recommendations and suggestions for services to assist in a psychiatric emergency or if you or a loved one are in crisis. 

Your initial contact with a member of our clinical leadership team will be over the phone. You will hear an overview of the program and the program costs. We will gather initial information to determine whether we can meet your needs or other referrals are more appropriate at this time.

Screening and Approval Process

Upon continued interest, an in-depth interview will be scheduled with you (or the prospective patient), typically within 1-3 business days, so that we can gather clinical history, discuss your goals in treatment and determine any need for additional medical records as well as communication with current providers.

Once we have all of the necessary information, our clinical team reviews the entire case. If approved for admission, we offer you admission to  Phase 1 of the IOP , with timing of admission based on availability in the program, your schedule and your current needs. Actual admission date is offered upon payment of a non refundable deposit in the amount of $5000. The timing of admission may be several days to several weeks from initial contact. 

Deposit and ongoing payments can be made via Credit Card (additional fees apply), Bank Wire or ACH transfer. 

Some key elements we are looking for in terms of admission approval are 1) your ability to take your medications consistently as prescribed 2) ability to follow a schedule and attend groups daily, starting at 9 AM and 3) no acute needs related to an active eating disorder, such as weight monitoring, food intake monitoring, or nutritional management. 

Prior to Starting the IOP

Once your admission date is set, we will create a portal in our Electronic Medical Record. Through this portal you will be invited to complete all of the necessary consent forms to begin treatment. On the day prior to admission, we will be in touch to receive the remainder of the payment for the initial 2 weeks so that your first day can be focused on getting to know us and the program. At that time, we will also provide you with the schedule of your first day, including arrival time.

First Day

Your first day at MindWork Group will begin with a greeting and tour of our space. You may have the opportunity to informally meet others participating in the IOP. You will receive your schedule for the remainder of the week and other orientation materials to help you prepare for your time with us. 

You will have individual meetings with members of your treatment team, including but not limited to your psychiatrist and therapist. You may be asked to complete a urine toxicology screen in the office to assess for substances in your system, prescribed and recreational. Other lab tests may be ordered at this time for you to obtain through LabCorp in the community.  You will complete a set of surveys and measures that help us further assess your current concerns and symptoms. The following day will be your first day of group treatment. 

Of note, you will be asked to abstain from all recreational and mood-altering substances while in the IOP. This policy is to allow time to assess any treatment needs related to substance use and out of respect for your peers who may be in early stages of sobriety and recovery. 

Phase 1 of the IOP

Phase 1 of the IOP offers in-person intensive treatment with daily groups, 5 days a week, and 6+ hours of individual sessions a week. These initial 10 days of treatment must be consecutive. Minimum length of stay in the IOP is 2 weeks. For patients interested in supportive housing at Kairos, minimum initial length of stay is 4 weeks.

We are conveniently located for travel from areas surrounding Baltimore, Annapolis, Washington DC, Northern Virginia and areas south of Philadelphia. If you are considering our program and would like to take advantage of supportive living through Kairos House, please let us know early on. Additionally, we have partnered with several hotels (some with pet friendly options) in the area to provide accommodations for patients who are just beginning their treatment with us and need a temporary housing solution. 

First 2 Weeks - Phase 1 IOP

Your initial two weeks with us will focus on a thoughtful in-depth assessment of your history, relationships, current difficulties and treatment goals. You will continue to attend the daily group program, scheduled Monday-Friday, 9 AM-12 PM. Additionally you will be meeting with each member of your treatment team for them to gather their initial impressions and get to know you through the lens of their discipline. In addition to psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and psychological assessment, this will include family therapy, occupational therapy and art therapy. 

The initial two-week evaluation and treatment period will conclude with a Treatment Conference and a Family Meeting. During this time, we will gather as a team with you and your close supports. We will discuss your experience of treatment, our early findings, impressions and recommendations moving forward. 

Our recommendations for next steps in your treatment are personalized to your current needs, life circumstances, and overall experience in the first 2 weeks of treatment. While there are patients who are ready to transition to less intensive care after 2 weeks, many people we work with will benefit from ongoing daily treatment in Phase 1 for additional 2-4 weeks and beyond. There are also patients who may require a referral to a higher level of care than our program can provide. 

First Month

If you are continuing your work with us past the initial 2 weeks, we will gather again in the following 4 weeks for a Treatment Conference to review progress, treatment goals and recommendations. Treatment Conferences and Family Meetings occur at a pace of about 4-6 weeks as long as you are participating in the IOP. 

Beyond the initial 2 weeks of treatment, payment can be made by the day, the week or the month. Please see our
rate sheet for up-to-date program costs. We highly encourage patients to make a commitment to treatment on a monthly basis, as this facilitates more continuity and helps orient all of us to goals in treatment. 

Ongoing Treatment

Our average length of stay in the IOP is 3-4 months. Patients who seek care with us have often experienced many months, often years of suffering and disability. We recognize that there is no quick fix for many of the problems people come to treatment with which is reflected in our expectation that successful treatment takes time. It is focused on development and strengthening of coping skills; appropriate, thought-out medication adjustments; more broadly reworking how one sees the world, building healthier relationships and support through life transitions. 

Many people begin to gain benefits and see changes in their psychological and overall functioning within 1-2 months of beginning treatment with us. Generally, we find that the 3–6-month mark is when patients start to gain traction in rebuilding their lives outside of treatment. They feel ready to take on new challenges, evaluate their hopes for the future, and take concrete steps to change their lives. 

Transition to Phase 2

During this stage, many patients work with their treatment team to transition to Phase 2 of the IOP. They decrease their daily attendance of groups to 2-3 days a week and change the focus and frequency of their individual sessions. This decrease in services is also reflected in decreased monthly cost for Phase 2. You can find this cost in our rate sheet. People begin to spend more time working, going to school or volunteering. With discussion and support of their treatment team, they are able to take limited breaks from treatment to travel and attend to family and work obligations. The focus of their treatment shifts to rehabilitation and reintegration into their daily life. 

Moving Beyond Intensive Treatment

At this stage of treatment, we see patients solidify return to their lives. They take active steps to maintain psychiatric stability, make new connections, set healthier goals, and repair or renew their relationships. Their needs in treatment lessen and they typically move into Phase 3 of the IOP which marks a transition to attending groups 1-2 days a week, having fewer individual sessions and investing their time outside of treatment. For those patients who intend to stay in the Baltimore area this shift also begins a conversation about continuing as an outpatient at MindWork Group. 

Concerned about the MindWork IOP being the right fit?

You may consider our Multidisciplinary Intensive 2 Week Consultation which:

  • Offers 1:1 assessment with various members of our team, including at least 2 of our psychiatrists

  • Includes 12+ hours a week

  • Available to adults and teens 16+

  • Ideal for individuals who may not be ready for groups, prefer more confidentiality, or are looking for an entirely individualized assessment

  • Available off-site